Edwin Lerrick Aktor asal Kupang West Timor Ntt 
#Avalon Kupang West Timor

Semau Island

Tourist information on Nusa Tenggara Timur, East of Bali from Flores to West Timor

Timor Island : Timor Barat (West Timor) "Sejarah Kupang West Timor" Edwin Lerrick Aktor Film Televisi Teater dan Iklan asal Kupang Ntt

Timor island is located in the eastern most part of the Lesser Sunda Islands, between the Savu islands and the Timor Sea. The land area of West Timor comprises 16.264,78 square km². and it belongs to the Nusa Tenggara Timor province of Indonesia. The eastern part of Timor consists of 14,609 square km and is an independent state. Oecussi-Ambeno district is a small enclave within West Timor which is politically part of East Timor.
"Bounty Boat from Tonga to West Timor" Ikat Textile West Timor

West Timor has approximately 1.6 million inhabitants. who are mostly of Malay, Papuan or Polynesian origin, with a tiny ethnic Chinese group. About half of the population belongs to Atoni ethnicity. The main religions are Catholic (56%), Protestant (35%) and Muslim (8%).

Kupang is the capital of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). It is a very Indonesian town with its buzzing bemos and honking horns. West Timor's landscape has spiky lontar palms, rocky soils and central hills dotted with villages of beehive-shaped huts. It also has fantastic coastlines,though there are no resorts, just empty beaches.

Timor Tour
World Record Tour

Berita: Kupang -West Timor -Ntt


West Timor (Kupang) can be reached by plane from all parts of the world

Timor Island

Aktor Film asal Kupang Edwin Lerrick

Edwin Lerrick #Lavalon
Map of Timor


Timor Tour October 2022

Edwi Lerrick is a seasoned operator who knows just about everything possible about Timor, is full of colourful opinions, cooks a mean breakfast omelette and can sort you a tour that will open your eyes. Those who (like me) prefer to travel as independently as possible should know that there is no way you could ever reach the fascinating remote villages (Temkessi, Bote etc), which are surrounded by miles of rough unmade roads, without expert local help. That is what his tour provides, and at a reasonable price. All in all, an experience to remember."

Best of luck! Maybe our paths will cross again.



In 1509, the first Portuguese arrived in the island of Timor, later followed by the Dutch. In the 1559 the Treaty of Lisbon was signed by the Portuguese and the Dutch to split control over the island of Timor. As a result, the eastern half of the island was under the Portuguese jurisdiction and the Dutch controlled the western half.

Japan conquered the island as part of World War II in early 1942. On August 17, 1945 the Indonesian Independence was declared, just three days after the Japanese surrender. The Dutch returned but faced a war with republican guerrillas, the eventual outcome of which was the proclamation of Republic of Indonesia in 1950, which made West Timor a part of East Nusa Tenggara. However, East Timor remained under Portuguese control until 1975 when it became Indonesian territory. On 20 May 2002, East Timor gained its full independency as an independent nation. During the colonial period it was known as Dutch Timor and was a centre of Dutch loyalists during the Indonesian War of Independence (1945-1949).

First West Timor Tour in 2022
West Timor is a wonderful place for explorers and for those who seek the original spirit of travelling. There are amazing views over seemingly empty forest from the Savu Sea to the Timor Sea and the landscape is quite different from many other places in Indonesia. Most of all, you will find largely untouched villages steeped deep into tradition, some still practicing the original Timorese belief from Pre-Christianity. And the friendly people of Timor will welcome you everywhere and share their big smiles with you. Timor is culturally very complex, so it's not boring to travel there while you try to find it's hidden treasures.

I travelled around West Timor after the pandemic with a guide who was introduced to me by Edwin Lerrick.The guide is very knowledgeable about Timor's history and culture. I recommend employing a guide in Timor, because there is no tourist infrastructure and many interesting places would be impossible to find by oneself or at least it would be very frustrating. Don't expect much comfort outside Kupang, prepare yourself with the basic necessities you need, but wherever you go people will try their best to meet your needs. Timor is for adventurers from it's empty sand beaches to it's (depending on the season) green mountains.

Morten (Germany)

Lavalon SeaView Hostel and Cafe Kupang
Phone: Whatsapp +628123770533 Email: lavalonbar@gmail.com
Double Room Rp 100.000 Including Breakfast Banana Pancake with Honey

Book directly with me on WhatsApp for best price

Religion and Tradition
Christianity was the chosen religion in West Timor and Catholicism in East Timor. However, most of rural Timor still also practices Animism, the worship of nature. In this respect Timorese statues and masks still play an important role.

Dancing, singing, costume and musical ceremony (using gongs and drums) are all used to celebrate or ask for help from ancestors and deities. Some of the occasions that call for these ceremonies are: for planting and to ask for prosperity and good weather, for the spinning of cotton, for the smooth running of village or regional affairs, for weddings. and the offering of friendship and reaffirmation of allegiance through royalties or tribute along with the ever present betel nut.


West Timor in 1942



Edwin Lerrick West Timor with Leroy Osmany
Chanel ukm auvi
Tarian Timor Soe TTS

Nicky Uly Facebook

(Timorese Dance)

Edwin Lerrick Aktor Film Televisi Teater dan Iklan asal Kupang Timor Nusa Tenggara Timur NTT Indonesia

Firdaus Pegagan Wartawan


#Tamkesi West Timor


#BotiDance West Timor   
On the way to Tamkesi (West Timor Indonesia)

West Timor
Ikat Textile West Timor
#BotiDance West Timor
Boti Dancep in Kupang

A hike to the best view in Tamkesi Photo by Edwin Lerrick

Edwin Lerrick Aktor Film asal Kupang
Aktor Film asal Kupang - Ntt (Edwin Lerrick)

Aktor  Film asal Kupang West Timor
Aktor Film asal Kupang West Timor (Edwin Lerrick

Review of Tripadvisor
Timor Tours Guide (West Timor Tours Guide) Edwin Lerrick Recommend by Lonely Planet

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